Category Archives: Blog

Romantic you

A’ime Cristie Inspired, the brand that’s embracing women from all walks of life, regardless age, status or background, not only in the shape of fashion, but in their most intrinsic nature. Romance is the air we breathe, the flowers we smell, romance is many shapes and forms that lights a spark in our eyes. Romance is the provision, the food that nurtures my soul. I found out from my own life that grace and beauty never dies, yet I might encounter Read More...

– Make sure you never fall backwards on your rabbit, keep in touch with your turtle –

Many of us have been fooled and taught that we are only rabbits, which means that nobody can run faster than us. Than as time went by and we could not keep up the pace or we were infatuated with how good we are, we ended up in being sluggish losing purpose and reason for our race. Some of us lost interest, while others took long holidays investing more in the pampering which goes with a short term vision Read More...

Life is a beach or a bitch, Seeing through my eyes

What to do when life is a bitch? This meaning that things are more in the way instead of being on the way. Some of us are being stuck in the thought to have a beach of a life is just not meant for us, while others cannot think of anything else. For any single person that is undeserving there always will be somebody else compensating. One is labeled the altruistic while the other one plays the narcissistic one. Read More...

– How to wear a scarf in many ways –

First you have to think outside the box. Very few people dare to do that, because they taught themselves that they are not specialists in styling them and then throw away the authority which they have upon their looks to others who they believe can do a better job just because they are wearing the title of a stylist. Style starts with you, so regardless of who may think that you should wear this or that, you have an Read More...

I no longer run away, love myself for who I am, not for what I hide and do not wish to be

So, ask yourselves now what is so terrifying about being outstanding? What is the benefit of being the center of attention for many other women and men? The first business card that we have it’s ourselves. We are the first business card that walks in the door and the way we look we can capture attention or we can turn down attention both from us and others. Our fear lies in not wanting to be recognized, both for the Read More...

Every fool can seduce, not everyone can inspire Dress in, Money of love, discover that you are the message that gives reason to your life

Why do we want to work so hard? Working over hours, working at gym, cutting our hair, doing our nails, go to the spa, if we count all these hours, they sum up for lifetimes. Obviously we don’t believe we are good enough in our natural state of lux, not luxury. Most often is thought that women are looking for luxuries even when men do the same. This must be the reason why women are presented with the light of the Read More...

Not good enough! – Is my asking big enough, to find reason to my life?

We women wish to feel, see ourselves in the most graceful way that we can possibly envisage, yet sometimes we are trying so hard to impress others, that we go overboard. Taking images from everywhere making a cut-copy-paste image is usually what we do in order to compensate for all the things that we are not. Sometimes this venture of improvement is ending up in a miserable way, where we see the mess that we’ve made of ourselves , Read More...

Where did the plot get lost?

Is undeniable that many times in our lives we find ourselves in turmoil as a result of unpredictable events which take us by surprise. We given the opportunity to fly, fight or freeze, these experiences which we deny at first, until later when we have the power to embrace. Freezing is being lost, in a world of our own making, where nothing else exists, but the impossibility of making a change which cannot come to the surface using the Read More...